Protect Yourself and Your Business from Spying and Censorship
Stop Big Tech Censorship
You're Paying for Censorship!
Who's doing the censoring?
Who are they censoring?
Which platforms can you trust?
How can you switch easily and safely?
 Get these answers and more!
Download the Free Guide
To free yourself from spying and censorship!
Take Back Control!
Tired of Spying & Censorship?
Do you feel stuck too?  So did we!  That's why we created our guide to help you switch to trusted tech platforms without derailing your life.
Gmail censorship
Email & Web Browsers
Learn about the censorship market leaders Google and Microsoft are engaging in and how to switch to trusted, vetted alternatives.
Zoom censorship
Meeting Platforms
Learn how Zoom, Google, Microsoft and other leading meeting platforms are spying on your meetings and selling your data.  Discover alternatives that are better and safer!
Mailchimp censorship
Business Tools
Learn about censorship by massive business platforms like Hubspot, Mailchimp, Salesforce and others and how to switch to trusted alternatives easily and quickly.
Learn the Facts about Big Tech Censorship
And How to Break Free from Spying and Censorship
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